Welcome to the IEEE Communications Society/Vehicular Technology Joint Denver Chapter

Our mission is to promote knowledge and growth of communication and vehicular technologies in the Denver-Boulder Area. The Denver ComSoc/VT is a community comprised of a diverse group of industry professionals with a common interest in advancing all communications and vehicular technologies.

Here you will find and be able to register for events, see past events, volunteer, and contact officers.

Officer Nominations for 2025

Another exciting year is upon us after a successful 2024. We have many great activities and events planned for the year and you can be a part of shaping it. We seek nominations for officers to determine the directions of ComSoc/VT. Please consider nominating yourself for a position. It only takes a few hours a month, and the benefits are very rewarding. Contact any of the current officers to submit your name for one of the five positions. Nominations close Feburary 8 and elections commence the same day.


  • Chair: Mark Milliman (acting)
  • Vice Chair: Mark Milliman
  • Secretary: Vacant
  • Treasurer: Jim Sipes
  • Webmaster: Vacant

Upcoming Events

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